Eulerpool Data & Analytics PNC Bank, National Association, Matthew Summers, Craig Summers and Stephen Summers, as Co-Trustees for the Marital Trust created under the Lynn C. Summers Revocable Life Insurance Trust dated November 30, 1984 Erie, US-PA
PNC Bank, National Association, Matthew Summers, Craig Summers and Stephen Summers, as Co-Trustees for the Marital Trust created under the Lynn C. Summers Revocable Life Insurance Trust dated November 30, 1984
Dirección / Sede
PNC Bank, National Association, Matthew Summers, Craig Summers and Stephen Summers, as Co-Trustees for the Marital Trust created under the Lynn C. Summers Revocable Life Insurance Trust dated November 30, 1984
C/O PNC Bank
Attention: Michele Burke
16501 Erie
Legal Entity Identifier (LEI)
Legal Operating Unit (LOU)
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Eulerpool API PNC Bank, National Association, Matthew Summers, Craig Summers and Stephen Summers, as Co-Trustees for the Marital Trust created under the Lynn C. Summers Revocable Life Insurance Trust dated November 30, 1984 Ventas, Beneficio, Balance, Patentes, Empleados y más Erie, US-PA
"lei": "5493001JHJM5F908C143",
"legal_jurisdiction": "US-PA",
"legal_name": "PNC Bank, National Association, Matthew Summers, Craig Summers and Stephen Summers, as Co-Trustees for the Marital Trust created under the Lynn C. Summers Revocable Life Insurance Trust dated November 30, 1984",
"entity_category": "FUND",
"entity_legal_form_code": "8888",
"legal_first_address_line": "C/O PNC Bank",
"legal_additional_address_line": "Attention: Michele Burke, VP",
"legal_city": "Erie",
"legal_postal_code": "16501",
"headquarters_first_address_line": "C/O PNC Bank",
"headquarters_additional_address_line": "Attention: Michele Burke, VP",
"headquarters_city": "Erie",
"headquarters_postal_code": "16501",
"registration_authority_entity_id": "",
"next_renewal_date": "2019-09-26T17:42:00.000Z",
"last_update_date": "2023-08-04T15:38:28.104Z",
"managing_lou": "5493001KJTIIGC8Y1R12",
"registration_status": "LAPSED",
"validation_sources": "ENTITY_SUPPLIED_ONLY",
"reporting_exception": "",
"slug": "PNC Bank, National Association, Matthew Summers, Craig Summers and Stephen Summers, as Co-Trustees for the Marital Trust created under the Lynn C. Summers Revocable Life Insurance Trust dated November 30, 1984,Erie,"
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